12440hz Third Eye Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl-Note A +19.9c 222.5Hz

12440hz Third Eye Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl-Note A +19.9c 222.5Hz
12440hz Third Eye Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl-Note A +19.9c 222.5Hz

12440hz Third Eye Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl-Note A +19.9c 222.5Hz
12 Third Eye 440hz Frosted Quartz Crystal singing bowl (Note A +19.9 at 222.5Hz). Slow your breathing down making sure to breathe deeply and fully. The combination of the sound of your singing bowl, plus steady focus on the third eye will gently open the chakra.
12440hz Third Eye Frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl-Note A +19.9c 222.5Hz
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